Sport Psychology Strategies for Anxiety Management in Sports

With all the pressure that athletes face both on and off the field, managing anxiety can be a difficult task. From worrying about their performance to dealing with the expectations of coaches and teammates, anxiety can be debilitating for athletes. This doesn't even take into consideration other external sources of stress such as school, work, or family pressures.

This is where sport psychology comes in. Certified Mental Performance Consultants and Sport Psychologists can provide athletes with strategies to manage their anxiety so that they can focus on the task at hand. They support the athlete by not just focusing on their physical abilities, but also their psychological states. In this blog, we will discuss how Certified Mental Performance Consultants and Sport Psychologists can help athletes manage their anxiety so that they can perform to the best of their abilities.

How Can Sport Psychology Help With Anxiety Management?

Shows a person swinging at a ball. Represents how a sports psychologist dallas will support athletes to stay in the present moment.

Anxiety is a common human experience. It is also a normal part of sports. However, experiencing anxiety takes people out of the present moment, causing us to worry about the future or ruminate on the past. In sports, the moment that matters the most is the present moment. When they are in the middle of a game, the present moment is where athletes can make a play to make a difference. This is the moment in which we have the most control.

Once a mistake has happened, that's it. There is nothing that can be done to fix it. And there is no point worrying about the future when the present is still needing to be taken care of. For example, the game they are playing now, or the workout they need to do this week. Sport psychology services in Dallas, TX can help people manage their anxiety so that they can focus on the present moment and what they can control.

Sport Psychology Will Support Athletes and their Performance

Shows a person training. Represents how sports psychologist dallas helps athletes focus on their mental training alongside their physical training.

When athletes are less anxious, they generally perform better than ones who are more anxious. If you have watched any sport, you know that athletes need to be able to perform under pressure and remain cool, calm, and collected. Just as athletes train their bodies to be stronger and faster, athletes can train their minds to be more resilient and less anxious.

Even though athletes know their mentality is important, many athletes do not spend time practicing mental tools that can help athletes increase confidence and decrease anxiety. Self-talk, imagery, and goal-setting are some of these tools that can help athletes with their anxiety. For example, athletes can tell themselves they can do it or they can imagine themselves succeeding in the moment. These tools can help athletes mentally adjust and orient themselves to the present moment. This process will allow athletes to focus on their strengths rather than worry about what has happened in the past or their doubts about the future.

Techniques That Can Help Mitigate Physiological Signs of Anxiety

Techniques such as breathing exercises can also help mitigate physiological signs of anxiety, such as increased heart rate and muscle tension. For athletes who are already feeling overwhelmed, these exercises can help them take their focus off of the worries and anxieties and bring them back to the present moment.

Ways to Manage Anxiety as an Athlete

The key to managing anxiety in sports is having a plan and utilizing the tools available to you. A Certified Mental Performance Consultants or a Sport Psychologist in Dallas, TX can help create a personalized plan for each athlete so that they can manage their anxiety. Here are some tips to help athletes take control of their anxiety:

Identity a Focus Word

When you are aware that you are losing your focus or becoming anxious, having a focus word, such as "relax" or "calm", can be a helpful reminder to ground yourself in the present moment. Saying that word aloud or in your head can help to reorient you back to the present task.

Create a Pre-Performance Routine

Shows a person meditating. Represents how anxiety treatment in dallas, tx will support athletes to have a ritual or routine before games to ready their body to perform.

Having a practiced routine that is done hours or even the night before a competition, game or big event can help athletes manage their anxiety. This routine can include a lot of different components such as eating a meal at a certain time before, a physical warm-up routine, or time spent listening to music.

Really, the routine is whatever works for you. Having a routine communicates to your body that it’s almost game time and that you are getting ready to perform. It allows you to focus on what you need to do to get ready for the competition rather than having time to start thinking too much about the performance.

Repeat a Confidence Statement

Write a confidence statement to yourself before a competition, game, or big event (e.g., "I worked hard for this and I know I can do it"). Athletes that have more positive self-talk generally perform better than those who partake in negative self-talk. The body achieves what the mind believes! Repeat this statement to yourself before your event and throughout if needed.

Sport psychology services in Dallas, TX can support athletes in managing their anxiety and developing the mental skills necessary to be successful in sports. With the right tools, athletes can manage their anxiety and increase their confidence. 

Manage Your Performance Anxiety with The Help of Sport Psychology in Dallas, TX

Being in the present moment and being able to focus is a vital part of any athlete's performance. Having support in reducing your anxiety as an athlete can help you reach your full potential in sports. At Sunrise Counseling, we understand you face a lot of pressure on and off the field and are here to help. Our Certified Mental Performance Consultant can help you manage your anxiety so that you can focus on performance. Remember that your body achieves what your mind believes, so reach out and get the help you need to succeed. To start in-person or online sport psychology services in Dallas, TX, follow these steps:

1.    Contact Sunrise Counseling 

2.    Meet with one of our caring therapists that specializes in sport psychology

3.    Begin reducing your anxiety and increase your confidence as an athlete!

Other Mental Health Services in Dallas, TX 

Sport Psychology Services is only one of the mental health services we offer at Sunrise Counseling. Our therapists understand that mental health is an important factor in physical health. This is why we provide a variety of services to clients from our Dallas TX-based therapy office and the surrounding areas. Other mental health services we provide at Sunrise Counseling include:

James Ramarushton