Women’s Counseling


Women go through many changes in life. Some of these changes are positive ones like getting married, returning to school, or having a baby. However, even positive changes can be difficult to adjust to. Therapy is a place where women can process the changes they are going through and learn ways to cope with various difficulties in their lives.

If you need a place where you can be open about your difficulties and discuss new strategies to help you cope with challenges, we would be happy to help you. Below are some of the struggles we work with at Sunrise Counseling.


Anxiety is a common difficulty faced by adults in the United States. In fact, it’s estimated that 4 million adults are affected by Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), with women being twice as likely to have GAD as men. At Sunrise Counseling we work hard to create an environment where women feel comfortable being open about their own anxiety and the fears they have. We work with women with a variety of worries including those concerned about body image, relationships, parenting, their career, finances, and juggling multiple roles. Research has shown that women going through transitions in life often report an increase in anxiety. This can be seen in women who are starting their careers and experience “imposter syndrome”. It’s also evident in new moms who struggle with feelings of inadequacy. If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety and want to get help, we would love to come along side you and help you get to a place where anxiety does not affect your everyday life.

Perinatal depression

Having a baby!!! It’s supposed to be the most joyful experience of your life. Yet, for many women, the adjustment to becoming a mother can also result in mild sadness and anxiety. This is often called “the baby blues”. However, research has shown that 15 to 20 percent of women experience more significant anxiety and/or depressive symptoms during pregnancy or the first year after giving birth. If you feel that this is you, know that a counselor at Sunrise Counseling can help you. Don’t feel like you must get through this alone as research shows that support during this time is extremely beneficial. A therapist can not only provide you the support you need but give you tools that will help to alleviate your symptoms.


Infertility is an emotionally painful process to go through. Women who have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant may experience feelings of grief, depression, or anxiety. This can be a very difficult time for women and for their partners. At Sunrise Counseling, we help women to talk about what they are going through, help them to talk through what decisions they want to make, and help them to cope with all the emotions they are experiencing during this trying time.


Relationships can be both the most fulfilling and the most challenging thing that we experience in life. This can be true for relationships with friends, spouses, family members, or our children. Relationship challenges can eat away at your happiness and cause an increase in anxiety. If this sounds familiar, a therapist at Sunrise Counseling can help you to come up with ways to address the situation in a healthy manner and to help you to cope with the various emotions you are feeling.

Other issues we help with

  • Career concerns

  • Body image

  • Parent training

  • Pain Management

  • Fear of failure

  • Faith Based Counseling

  • Religious integration