Summer Transitions: Supporting Your Child's Emotional Well-Being

The end of the school year can be an exciting time for kids as they anticipate a summer of unstructured time. However, this transition can be difficult for many children. Especially ones with ADHD, ASD, or children who struggle with anxiety. It can be anxiety-provoking for their parents as well.

We know that all kids tend to thrive when structure is provided

Kids with learning challenges will benefit from predictability and routine, even when it comes to unstructured time. Kids like to know what to expect- what comes next. Whereas summer lacks this structure. Summer activities and experiences typically come with their own rules that make it so that kids have to adapt quickly, such as swimming, golf, tennis, camp, etc. This may require the child to learn a new skill, and this can be challenging for an already anxious child.

Diminish Anxiety by Establishing Structure

Shows a child reading in bed. Represents how  a child therapist in dallas, tx at Sunrise Counseling will recommend to keep bedtime the same during this transition.

If your child is prone to anxiety, it is important to keep in mind that routines are still important. There will be things that will change over the summer but you can still keep some things routine. For example, you can keep your morning, evening routines and bedtime rituals. Having some consistency will help your child transition into the summer with ease.

Planning ahead for your child's summer break may seem overwhelming at first, but you can recruit them to help create a plan. Giving them the opportunity to make some decisions and having control over certain aspects of their summer. This will help to diminish anxiety due to their uncertainty about what is planned for summer and provide them with a sense of autonomy.

Goals For the Summer

Kids also thrive on continuous learning. This is why choosing hands-on activities that are tailored to the child's particular interests can be a great way to keep them engaged. It can also keep them learning during their summer break. Another way to keep them engaged this summer is having your child come up with their own summer goals chart. This will help them stay focused and provide additional structure to their days, while still allowing for some creative freedom.

Tips For Transitioning to Summer Break for Your Child

Having some ideas for transitioning your child from the structured environment of school to the unstructured environment of summer can help the transition go smoother. A child therapist in Dallas, TX gives the following tips:

Keep Morning and Bedtime Schedules Consistent

Your child's days can be less structured because summer is a time to relax from the rigors of school, but it's important to keep their meal and bedtime schedules consistent. Anxious kids may have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. But, improper sleep increases anxiety. So, we want to avoid this cycle from taking over their summer.

Camp Can Be Fun and Necessary for Working Parents

Shows children hiking at summer camp. Represents how a child therapist in Dallas, TX can support your child during this transition.

For working parents, camps are a great way to provide a fun, hands-on experience for their child. Especially since you can't be with them 24/7. However, plan family activities as well such as volunteering together or visiting museums. This will help create an environment for hands-on learning but you're still involved and present in your child's day.

Create Activity/Camp Calendars & Reminders for Supplies Needed

Having a calendar to help keep track of your child's supplies can not only help you keep track of your child's schedule, but it can also help them keep track as well. This will help to remind your child of what they need for their activities and camps, but help them feel less anxious about when they need their supplies and how to get them.

Be Mindful of Screen Time

Shows a child playing Nintendo Switch. Represents how anxiety treatment in dallas, tx can support your child through the summer transition so you are not tempted to relax screen time.

It can be tempting to relax your screen time limits during the summer. Whether it be games, social media, or television. But too much screen time is still bad for your child's health, even in the summer. So, it's important to keep monitoring your child's screen time during the summer.

How Child Therapy for Anxiety in Dallas, TX Can Help

If your child struggles with anxiety when it comes to transitioning from school to summer, it can be beneficial to begin working with a child therapist that specializes in anxiety. At Sunrise Counseling, we provide child therapy for anxiety in Dallas, TX to help parents and children handle the transition from school to summer.

In therapy, we help kids strengthen their ability to recognize what anxiety feels like in their bodies. But also help them recognize situations that may increase their anxiety and learn calming strategies to use when their anxious feelings occur. Our compassionate child therapists can also support parents. They do this by helping parents determine ways to make the transition from school to summer easier for the kid and the family as a whole in particular.

Summer is a time for kids to have fun, learn new things, and build positive memories. Keeping their anxiety in check by creating a plan to transition them from school to summer is a great way to ensure a good summer. With some preparation and proactive planning, you provide the structure they need to thrive while still allowing them to have fun and be creative.

Interested in Child Therapy for Anxiety in Dallas, TX?

Your anxious child can still thrive this summer with proactive planning and the help of child therapy for anxiety in Dallas, TX. At Sunrise Counseling, we recognize that transitions can be difficult for children that are prone to anxiety. We’re here to provide the support and tools that your child needs to handle their anxiety in an effective way and have a great summer! To start online therapy in Dallas, TX, follow these steps:

1.    Contact Sunrise Counseling 

2.    Meet with one of our caring child therapists

3.   Give Your Child The Structure They Need To Thrive!

Other Mental Health Services in Dallas, TX 

Child Therapy is only one of the mental health services we offer you at Sunrise Counseling. Our therapists understand that your child may face more challenges this summer and have the expertise to provide them with the support they need. We provide a variety of services to clients from our Dallas TX-based therapy office and the surrounding areas. Other mental health services we provide at Sunrise Counseling include:

Gayla Sahl