Child & Teen Therapy in Dallas, TX

Ages 4-17

A family of four sit together in the forest. The mother and father are holding hands with the children sitting in between them. This could symbolize the strong connection the family has. We offer support through child therapy in Dallas, TX, grief co…

Are You Wondering if Your Child Can Benefit From Therapy?

Children do not always know how to express their emotions. As a result, children will express their feelings through various behaviors. Children struggling with their emotions can exhibit difficulties at school, have difficulty getting along with friends, have frequent stomachaches or headaches, or become frustrated easily. Child therapy and parent consultation can help children and parents address these feelings. Below are some of the struggles we work with at Sunrise Counseling.

Child & Teen Therapy for Anxiety

A young girl sits on the ground while holding a stuffed teddy bear. This could symbolize the anxiety a child could feel when separated from a parent. We offer child therapy for anxiety in Dallas, TX, behavioral therapy for kids, and other services. …

All children have fears. Fears of monsters. Fears of the dark. Fears of Thunderstorms. For children with anxiety, fears cause them to start avoiding situations or begin to interfere with everyday life. Child anxiety can take on many forms. This might include:

  • social anxiety

  • separation anxiety

  • perfectionism

  • obsessions

  • compulsive behaviors

Research has found that therapy is effective in treating anxiety in children. Yet, according to the Child Mind Institute Children’s Mental Health Report, 80% of children with a diagnosable anxiety disorder are not getting treatment.

At Sunrise Counseling, we help children with anxiety develop coping skills that they can use throughout their lives. We also work with parents who are unsure of how to respond to their child’s anxiety. So, if you're concerned that anxiety is impacting your child’s life, give us a call! We will begin to walk alongside you and your child to bring more peace into your lives through child therapy for anxiety in Dallas, TX.

Child & Teen Therapy for Loss and Grief

The loss of a loved one can be especially difficult for a child. This is true whether the loss involves a parent, sibling, a member of their extended family, a friend, or a pet. Children may experience a range of emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, or confusion. They may also exhibit changes in behavior, such as withdrawal, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, or difficulty concentrating. It is important for parents and caregivers to recognize these signs and understand that they are normal responses to grief.

Child grief therapy plays a vital role in helping children cope with loss by providing a safe and supportive space for them to express their feelings and work through their grief. At Sunrise Counseling child therapists can help children understand the concept of death, explore their emotions, and develop healthy coping strategies. Through various therapeutic techniques such as play therapy and talk therapy, children can process their grief in a developmentally appropriate and meaningful way. Child grief therapy also aims to empower children by fostering their resilience, promoting self-esteem, and encouraging positive growth and adaptation.

Child grief therapy offers numerous benefits not only for children but also for their families. Some key benefits include:

  1. Emotional support: Child grief therapy provides a safe and nonjudgmental space for children to express their feelings and receive emotional support from a trained professional. This support can help children feel validated, understood, and less alone in their grief.

  2. Development of coping skills: Child grief therapy equips children with effective coping mechanisms to navigate their grief. By learning healthy ways to express their emotions, communicate their needs, and manage stress, children can develop resilience and adaptive skills that will serve them throughout their lives.

  3. Improved communication: Grief can strain communication within families. Child grief therapy can help facilitate open and honest communication between children and their parents or caregivers. Through therapy, families can learn to express their feelings, share memories of the deceased, and provide mutual support.

Child grief therapy offers invaluable support and resources for both children and their families as they navigate the complex dynamics of grief and loss.

Child covers their face with their hands as they sit under a wooden staircase. This could symbolize an upset child during a time of transition or grief. We offer grief counseling for children in Dallas, TX, Christian counseling for children, faith-b…

Child & Teen Therapy for Life Changes

Children tend to thrive when they have a routine and predictability. But, change is an inevitable part of life. Children may experience a move, a change in school, the birth of a sibling, or a divorce in the family. Some children can handle change well while others struggle. If you're concerned about changes in your child’s mood or behavior following a life transition, your child might benefit from the support child therapy in Dallas, TX can provide. At Sunrise Counseling, we can help your child process all the emotions they are having. And, provide them with the tools they need to cope with their feelings.

Our Child & Teen Therapists Can Help

If your child is struggling, we would love to help support you and your child get to a better place. Our child therapists have years of experience in working with children and parents through a variety of difficulties. Your child therapist will take the time to get to know you and your specific concerns. Then, through counseling sessions, they will work with you on determining the best ways to address your child’s symptoms.

You want the best for your child. You want to see them free from anxiety, excited about life and successful in school. In essence, you want your child to be happy. Our therapists understand this goal. And they have the training, experience and passion for helping your child gain the skills and confidence they need. It can be scary to reach out to a mental health professional about bringing your child to therapy. But rest assured, we’re here to help and support you as a parent or caregiver every step of the way as well.

Sunrise Counseling’s Approach to Child & Teen Therapy in Dallas, TX

Our therapists use a blend of different therapy techniques to treat anxiety and help your child thrive. These include CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) as well as play therapy. For some children, counseling sessions will include exploring various coping strategies to help your child when they are struggling. We may also look at how thoughts, behaviors, and feelings interact with each other. For many children, play therapy is also incorporated. Many children have difficulty expressing their difficulties through words but benefit greatly from working through their difficulties through play.

Additionally, parents are also highly involved in child therapy sessions. Our child therapists work with parents to find the best ways to address different issues at home and school. Our therapists recognize that you are with your children more hours than we are so we want to equip you to help your child throughout the week.

Child & Teen Therapy with Faith Integration

A woman with a clipboard points to colorful blocks resting on a carpet. The child is following the lead of the pen. This could symbolize a child therapist conducting a child therapy session. We offer Christian counseling for children in Dallas, TX, …

At Sunrise Counseling, our therapists can integrate a client’s faith into treatment if that is something that the client desires. What does this look like? A client may say that they do not have a religious background. Or, that their faith is not central to the topic. In this case, the client’s therapist will not discuss faith within therapy sessions.

But, a parent or child might also state that they have a religious background and would like to be able to talk about that during treatment. Often, a family’s faith is an important part of who they are and it’s hard to address complex issues coming up with your child without bringing faith into the discussion. In cases like this, our therapists are open to discussing faith.

This may take the form of talking about how one’s faith is impacting the issue that brings them to therapy. It may also involve talking about how one’s faith is being used as a coping skill. This is something that may occur when working with your child if desired.

Start Child & Teen Therapy in Dallas, TX

You're tired of trying to solve your child’s difficulties on your own. Our Dallas, TX-based practice has caring therapists who specialize in working with children. To start counseling and take steps towards having a more peaceful home, follow these steps:

1. Contact Sunrise Counseling

2. Meet with one of our caring therapists that specializes in working with children

3. Start giving your child the tools they need to be the best version of themselves

Other Counseling Services in Dallas, Texas

Child Therapy is not the only thing our caring therapists specialize in. We provide a variety of services to clients from our Dallas, TX-based therapy office and the surrounding areas. Here are some other mental health services we provide at Sunrise Counseling: