COVID Anxiety & Back to School

Parenthood is full of stressful moments. But, these last eighteen months during the coronavirus pandemic have been especially brutal. Life has been full of unknowns and changes. That’s hard enough to deal with as an adult, but when you have children, it’s even worse. Now, it’s time to go back to school. Many parents are anxious about their child returning to school during the pandemic.

As a Parent Myself, I Understand This Struggle

A mother hugs her teen as body smile. This could represent the support anxiety treatment in Dallas, TX can provide. Contact an child therapist in Dallas, TX for support with child therapy and other services.

COVID cases are rising. The delta variant is very frightening, and some Texas school districts have decided that they will not require masks to be worn in school. The risk of infection or reinfection looms over us once again. As parents, it is our responsibility to protect our children and keep them healthy. But, that’s hard to do when they’re not in our care and at school all day. That makes you feel helpless which in turn, causes you anxiety.

Then, our anxiety continues to blossom every time we watch the news and hear stories. We learn of overcrowded hospitals. We hear of kids getting airlifted to hospitals miles away because there’s no room for them near home. As parents, this tugs at our heartstrings. It makes us question whether we’re doing enough to protect our children from getting sick. The more you think about these things, the worse you feel. But, you have to do something to ease your mind and help your child feel confident as they go back to school.

How To Manage Your Anxiety As A Parent

Lots of parents are struggling with similar fears during this time. So, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some ways you can manage your anxiety during this time. I can’t tell you if this transition will be easy or without risk. But, these tips can help you navigate the challenges you experience with confidence.

Get On The Same Page

First things first, you and your child’s other parent must get on the same page about your COVID-19 safety plan. This includes family conversations about when will you ask your child to wear a mask. How will you handle playdates, birthday parties, sports, and more? You both must have the same rules and expectations so your child will always know what’s expected of them.

Communicate a Plan

A mother smiles as she talks to her teen daughter on the couch. This represents anxiety treatment in Dallas, TX and the support an anxiety therapist can provide. Contact a child therapist to learn more today!

Next, you must talk to your child about this plan and what it means for them as they go back to school. Listen to them and consider their feelings about all this. Being able to share your expectations is critical when talking to older kids or teens. It’s important to let them take ownership of this plan and have a say in this matter. When you do this, your child is more likely to abide by the rules and expectations you’ve put in place.

Some of you may be wondering, what do I do if my teen and I won’t agree about COVID-19 precautions? Well, that’s tough. You may be tempted to tell or threaten. But, the more you push them to do something without allowing them any say, the more likely they are to push back. In fact, they may even do the opposite of what you want. The solution here is to show them respect. Be firm and communicate your expectations in a clear way.

If your child is younger, you may consider communicating your wishes to their teacher. While their teacher has many responsibilities and can't force them to wear a mask, they can be mindful of supporting your child. Especially if your child is concerned about getting bullied for wanting to mask up.

Recognize Triggers

Last, it’s important to be mindful of your anxiety and what triggers it. The news and being informed are important during this time. But, if it’s causing you immense stress, you may need to limit your exposure. Additionally, you must focus on your self-care and mental health. As a parent, you cannot pour from an empty cup. If you're anxious, overwhelmed, and stressed, you’ll be ill-equipped to support your child. Thus, making it all the more difficult to help them deal with their stress and anxiety.

If you’re looking for support to deal with your anxiety, I highly recommend you work with a therapist. A skilled anxiety therapist can offer you specific tools and strategies to help you cope with the worry you’re experiencing. Together, you can troubleshoot any issues that arise.

We offer both in-person counseling at our office in Dallas, TX and online therapy in Texas for adults dealing with anxiety. Our therapists are happy to help you navigate these unprecedented times. You can feel happy and at peace once more.

A group of kids talk among one another as they walk away from school. Child therapy in Dallas, TX can offer support with anxiety treatment in Richardson, TX. Contact an anxiety therapist to learn more today!

Begin Anxiety Treatment in Dallas, TX

You deserve support during these times, and our caring therapists are happy to help. We offer services from our Dallas, TX-based counseling practice. To start anxiety treatment, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Sunrise Counseling

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start feeling more at ease

Other Services Offered at Sunrise Counseling

Anxiety treatment isn't the only service we offer. At Sunrise Counseling, we provide a variety of services for those in Dallas and the state of Texas. Other mental health services offered include:

  • Social Difficulties

Gayla Sahl