5 Things You Can Do to Decrease Anxiety

It’s September. Summer is over and fall is right around the corner. But instead of being ready for a new season, you feel anxious and overwhelmed. This makes life very hard. Something has to change. You need some relief from the stress so you can get back to enjoying life again.

I Understand These Struggles with Anxiety

A man holds his head in pain as he experiences anxiety. Learn how anxiety treatment in Dallas, TX can support you through difficult times. Contact an anxiety therapist in Dallas, TX today for more info.

Anxiety has a way of making you feel like there’s a dark cloud of doom hovering over your head. It can even cause muscle tension or physical pain. It seems to follow you wherever you go. But, here’s the good news: you can find some relief from your anxiety. In fact, there are a few easy things you can do right now to begin healing. Today, I will share with you five simple coping techniques to help you cope with anxiety.

The Last Eighteen Months Have Been Stressful

The stress of living amid the COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone, no matter our beliefs or political stance. And, right when we thought life was going to return to normal, the Delta Variant popped up on the horizon. Many people are wondering “when will this end? When will life go back to normal?”

These feelings of concern for our health, our family's health, and the community's health are great. The decision fatigue surrounding returning to work and school is a lot to handle. And, the worry about whether we’re doing the right thing weighs heavily on our minds. But, this doesn’t stop the rest of life’s stressors from coming for us.

You may be dealing with family stress, parenting struggles, financial concerns, and workplace drama. Or you may simply feel stressed and don’t know why. Whatever the case may be, things keep piling up until you feel like you’re going to lose it.

How Can I Cope with Anxiety?

Here’s the thing: you can find relief from the stress and anxiety you’re experiencing. It doesn’t need a grand act or a big-time commitment. Instead, take a few seconds to yourself and practice these coping techniques. It can make a world of difference!

5 Simple Tips for Coping With Anxiety

Tip #1: Use Your Breath

Breathing exercises are something you can engage in anytime anywhere. It doesn’t need much forethought and is very effective.

Here are some good exercises to try:

  • Belly breathing: breath deeply through your diaphragm. Watch your stomach rise and fall. Do this until anxiety lessens.

  • Count the breath: inhale for a count of four, pause for a count of four, then exhale for a count of 4.

  • Pursed lips breathing: breath in through your nose. Then, exhale through pursed lips as if you’re giving a kiss.

Tip #2: Take Some Time for Yourself

A woman sits alone overlooking a river as the sun sets over the horizon. This represents taking time for one’s self. Contact an anxiety therapist in North Dallas, TX to learn how anxiety treatment can help you overcome symptoms.

Amid life’s craziness, it can be easy to neglect self-care. But taking a moment to center yourself is crucial when it comes to managing your anxiety.

Self-care often is associated with things like:

  • Getting your nails done

  • Getting a massage

  • Shopping

While those are all great options for self-care, they’re not the only options. Self-care doesn’t actually have to take a long time or cost anything. It can simply mean taking a moment to be mindful. So take a step outside, go sit in a quiet corner, or close your office door and take some time to regroup.

Tip #3: Go Back and Take Care of Your Basic Needs

I can’t stress this enough… eating good food, getting good sleep, and exercise are all vital parts of coping with anxiety. When you’re not caring for your basic needs your physical and mental health suffers. Thus, putting you in an even tougher spot than before. So, take some time to care for your well-being. Your body and mind will thank you.

Tip #4: Watch Your Thoughts

Racing thoughts and catastrophic thinking are both hallmark traits of an anxiety disorder. But they only make things worse.

It can be hard to turn these thoughts off and deal with them when you’re in the throes of anxiety. But, one thing I often ask my clients to do is to create a thought or mantra they can say to themselves when spiraling. This can be something as simple as “you are safe, you're loved, and you will make it through this.” Being prepared will help you know what to do in the moment when your anxiety spikes.

Tip #5: Reach Out for Support

A therapist holding a clipboard and pen listens as a client speaks. This represents anxiety treatment in Dallas, TX, and how an anxiety therapist in North Dallas, TX can provide support with stress and anxiety. Learn more about anxiety treatment in …

If you’re suffering from anxiety, you must talk about it with someone who supports you. Keeping your anxiety all bottled up is not healthy. In time, the toll of keeping your feelings to yourself will become too much to bear.

If you’re looking for support, I encourage you to reach out to a trained anxiety therapist in Dallas, TX. The counseling team at Sunrise Counseling is skilled in anxiety treatment. They can help you deal with past and present factors that are contributing to your anxious state. An anxiety therapist can help empower you with a useful toolbox of skills to use when you feel stressed.

Begin Anxiety Treatment in Dallas, TX

Anxiety is part of our everyday lives, but it shouldn’t control us. Our caring therapists can help you overcome your symptoms and live a more peaceful life from our Dallas, TX-based counseling practice. To start anxiety treatment in Dallas, TX, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Sunrise Counseling

  2. Meet with a caring anxiety therapist

  3. Start feeling more at peace with yourself

Other Counseling Services in Dallas, TX

Anxiety treatment is not the only service offered at Sunrise Counseling. Our Dallas, TX-based counseling office offers a variety of services. Other services we provide include:

  • Social Difficulties

Gayla Sahl